Margaret Distler defends her thesis
Margaret’s committee approved her thesis; her parents and future in-laws were in attendance!
Margaret’s committee approved her thesis; her parents and future in-laws were in attendance!
The newest version 0.2-11 in now available on CRAN. This software is being used by numerous labs to address problems of relatedness, which can confound QTL mapping.
Kaitlin, who is now a graduate student in Mark Daly’s lab, was co-second author on one of the three Nature papers on sporadic cases of Autism that came out today.
Margaret’s paper, “Glyoxalase 1 increases anxiety by reducing GABAA receptor agonist,” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. This paper had been under review at various journals for more than a year. It was finally accepted the day before Margaret defended her thesis! Congratulations, Margaret!
Results of the election were announced today, Abraham will become president-elect at the 2012 meeting in Boulder, and will then be president beginning at the 2013 meeting to be held in Leuven, Belgium. Finally, he will serve as past-president starting at the 2014 meeting. More information about IBANGS can be found here.
Dr. Abraham Palmer will serve as an external advisor to the NIAAA funded consortium entitled “Integrative Neurosciences Initiative on Alcoholism: Stress, Anxiety and Excessive Drinking”. Further information can be found on their website.
The talk was titled “Behavioral genetics of complex behavioral traits in mice: gene identification and mechanistic studies”
This years meeting was titled “Decoding sequenced genomes” and featured talks on behavioral genetics across a range of different organisms. Abraham served as a discussant and Natalia presented a poster and won a travel fellowship.
The lab is very proud of undergraduate Naomi Gorfinkle. Her poster was selected by the judges as the best poster on a biological topic at the Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Professor & Vice Chair for Basic Research,
Department of Psychiatry
University of California San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0667
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (858) 534-2093
Twitter: @AbePalmer
UCSD Profile
PhD, Biomedical Sciences
University of California San Diego, 1999
BA, Biology
University of Chicago, 1992
Director, NIDA National Center of Excellence for GWAS in Outbred Rats