NIDA P30 Grant Awarded

The NIDA Core Center of Excellence grant titled, "Center for Genetics, Genomics, and Epigenetics of Substance Use Disorders in Outbred Rats," has been awarded to Drs. Abraham Palmer, Pejman Mohammadi, Oksana Polesskaya, and Leah Solberg Woods!

The goal of this P30 is to support the community of scientists who use outbred Heterogeneous Stock (HS) rats to understand the genetic basis of individual differences in vulnerability to substance use disorders (SUDs).

Dr. Palmer is PI of the Center and Core A, Co-I of Core B, and MPI of Core C.


PAR-23-049 [NIDA Core "Center of Excellence" Grant Program (P30 Clinical Trial Optional)]

(bold indicates members of Palmer Lab)