Shyam Gopalakrishnan wins Epstein Trainee Award!
The Epstein Trainee Award for excellence in human genetics research is awarded by the American Society of Human Genetics. It is a merit-based award that recognizes highly competitive abstracts submitted and presented at the ASHG Annual Meeting. Congratulations, Shyam!
For more information, visit here.
Article by Dr. Abraham Palmer published in World Psychiatry
The article, “Social neuroscience and its potential contribution to psychiatry” was published in World Psychiatry. This review was co-authored by Drs. John and Stephanie Cacioppo and Dr. Stephanie Dulawa.
Drs. Abraham Palmer and Laura Sittig awarded a grant from the Diabetes Research and Training Center (DRTC) at the University of Chicago
The Pilot and Feasibility award is titled “Mapping epistatic modifiers of diabetes using the Akita mouse model of pancreatic beta cell stress” and provides $35,000 to study epistatic interactions between the Akita mutation in the insulin protein and genetic modifiers. The award can be renewed for a second and final year.
More information about the DRTC can be found here: http://drtc.bsd.
Alex Gileta joins Palmer Lab!
Alex Gileta, a second year human genetics graduate student, has decided to join the lab. His initial project will focus on a GWAS study of almost 3000 genetically heterogeneous rats, phenotyped for incentive salience at the University of Michigan by Shelly Flagel and Terry Robinson, and genotyped by reduced representation sequencing.