Clarissa Parker and Dr. Abraham Palmer’s review of the use of rats in behavioral genetics is accepted for publication in Neuropharmacology
The review article: “Rats are the smart choice: Rationale for a renewed focus on rats in behavioral genetics” has been accepted for publication in Neuropharmacology. The list of coauthors also include Hao Chen, Shelly B. Flagel, Aron M. Geurts, Jerry B. Richards, Terry E. Robinson and Leah C. Solberg Woods.
Amy Hart presents a poster at the Conte Center 2nd Annual Scientific Retreat
Amy presented her poster “SNPs associated with stronger positive subjective response to d-amphetamine are significantly enriched for SNPs that increase risk for schizophrenia and ADHD.” The scientific retreat was held at the University of Chicago and featured presentations from the University of Chicago, Northwestern, Harvard, University of Illinois at Chicago, University of Haifa (Israel), Columbia and Stanford.
Dr. Abraham Palmer presents a talk at the University of Kansas Medical Center
Dr. Abraham Palmer was a speaker at a seminar organized by the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology at the University of Kansas Medical Center. His presentation was entitled “Discovering genes that influence behavior and the challenge of elucidating their mechanism.” Doug Wright was the host of the seminar.
Dr. Abraham Palmer speaks at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
At a seminar organised by the University of Illinois’ Institute of Genomic Biology, Dr. Palmer gave a talk on “Behavioral genetics approaches to psychiatric diseases in mice, rats and men.” The seminar was hosted by Brent Roberts.
Dr. Abraham Palmer presents a talk at Columbia University Epilepsy Research Seminars
Dr. Palmer presented a talk entitled “Is metabolic activity linked to neuronal inhibitory tone and can we exploit such a link for therapeutic purposes?” at the Columbia University Epilepsy Research Seminars. The seminar was hosted by Melodie Winawer.
Amy Hart’s NPP article garners attention on social media outlets including twitter, reddit and blogs
The article: “Candidate gene studies of a promising intermediate phenotype: failure to replicate” has generated some interest in various social media outlets twitter (and), (and), reddit and multiple blogs and websites. One site ranks it in the top 5 percentile of all scientific articles ranked by attention.
Clarissa Parker accepts job at Middlebury College
Clarissa Parker has officially accepted an offer for an Assistant Professor position at Middlebury College in Vermont. Located in the quaint New England town of Middlebury, Vermont, Middlebury College offers scenic mountain views and a rigorous liberal arts curriculum. It was recently ranked as the 4th best liberal arts college in the nation by US News and World Report. Clarissa will be joining the faculty there as an Assistant Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience. Congratulations to Clarissa!