Amelie has a baby girl!
Palmer lab member Amelie Baud recently gave birth to a baby girl named Chloe! Congratulations, Amelie! We can’t wait to meet her.
Palmer lab member Amelie Baud recently gave birth to a baby girl named Chloe! Congratulations, Amelie! We can’t wait to meet her.
Dr. Abraham Palmer was awarded a High Impact Research Project Award from the California Tobacco Related-Disease Research Program (TRDRP) for his project titled “Genetic relationship between impulsivity and nicotine abuse.” This is a three year, $750,000 grant that starts July 1, 2018 and ends June 30, 2021. This grant will fund a large project to study the genetics of impulsivity and a variety of traits related to smoking and other forms of drug abuse.
A U01 grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) was awarded to Dr. Robert Hitzemann, Dr. Suzanne Mitchell, and Dr. Abraham Palmer. The grant, titled “Identification of genetic features of delay discounting using a heterogeneous stock rat model,” will start on July 1, 2018 and will end April 30, 2023.
Dr. Abraham Palmer recently gave a talk about the genetics of delay discounting at the annual Society for the Quantitative Analyses of Behavior meeting in San Diego. His talk was titled “Rats! Quantitative Behavioral Genetics.”
Dr. Sandra Sanchez-Roige recently presented her work titled, “Genome-wide association study meta-analysis of the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) in two population-based cohorts (N=141,958)” at 23andMe Genome Research Day. Her abstract was 1 of the 6 chosen to participate in the event.
Read the pre-print of this study here.
Former lab member Margaret Distler recently had a baby girl, named Hazel Nalini.
Congratulations, Margaret!
The NIH’s National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) recently awarded the Scripps Research team two separate grants totaling $7.5 million. The five-year grants will allow the researchers, led by Dr. Olivier George, to combine next-generation sequencing with rodent behavioral screening in a genetically diverse, nonhuman animal model of drug addiction. They will also create shared tissue banks for other researchers to use in addiction-related studies.
Dr. George’s group will collaborate with the lab of Dr. Leah Catherine Solberg Woods at Wake Forest University, who will breed the rats, and the lab of Dr.
Former lab member Katherine McMurray recently had a baby girl, named Madeline Virginia.
Congratulations, Katherine!
Drs. Abraham Palmer and Jonathon Sebat spoke at Stone Brewing on April 26th about how genes influence our everyday lives. Dr. Palmer spoke about his work with 23andMe in a talk titled, “Genetics of delay discounting: why do some people want a small reward now while others choose to wait for a bigger one later?” This was part of the Taste of Science event series hosted by Scientists, Inc.
Professor & Vice Chair for Basic Research,
Department of Psychiatry
University of California San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0667
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (858) 534-2093
Twitter: @AbePalmer
UCSD Profile
PhD, Biomedical Sciences
University of California San Diego, 1999
BA, Biology
University of Chicago, 1992
Director, NIDA National Center of Excellence for GWAS in Outbred Rats