Palmer Lab attends SfN in Chicago

The Palmer Lab ran a booth at Neuroscience 2024 (SfN24) in Chicago! Did you stop by?

SfN24 was held at the McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago from October 5-9, 2024. Booths were hosted by the Society for Neuroscience (SfN).

Like we did at Neuroscience 2022, we featured our RATTACA project and had many opportunities to discuss it with fellow researchers. (Our RATTACA "movie" poster was a popular photo-op!)

Four Palmer Lab members attended this conference (they traveled to Chicago directly from Milwaukee after attending CTC with other Palmer Lab members). In addition to running the RATTACA booth at SfN24, they also presented their research during poster sessions:

  • Montana Lara: Genome-wide association study (GWAS) of cocaine addiction-like behavior in Heterogeneous Stock rats
  • Abraham Palmer: Study of the subjective effects of prescription opioids in half a million people
  • Oksana Polesskaya: Age-related hearing loss: GWAS in CFW mice
  • Thiago Sanches: RAT Trait Ascertainment using Common Alleles | Genetic predictions for genetic correlation and experimental design in outbred rats

Montana received two travel awards for her attendance at Neuroscience 2024—one from SfN and one from NIDA!

Check out the Photo Gallery for more from Chicago!

Visit for more information about RATTACA